Senior Leader Inspirations

During 2024-25 we will be hosting termly online briefings for all senior leaders. These will give you an opportunity to reflect, connect with others and consider improvement priorities. Places are unlimited for member schools.

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Start Date

19 November 2024
16 January 2025
17 June 2025


Online webinars


Free to SSAT members


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Leading pastoral care and development

Autumn term: Tuesday 19 November 2024, 15:45 – 17:15

Schools have become the fourth emergency service, putting increasing demands on those leading this hugely important area. This briefing is particularly for senior leaders with responsibility for leading pastoral care and development. We will discuss the challenges and explore how SSAT member schools are meeting the needs of students across different contexts. There will also be an opportunity to find out more about our Pastoral Leaders programme.

Creating a culture of belonging

Spring term: Thursday 16 January 2025, 15:45 – 17:15

Feeling that we ‘belong’ is one of our deepest human needs. It is essential for positive self-esteem, team work and creating a thriving school culture.

Principle five of our Children’s Charter states: Children should experience a sense of belonging and community where they are treated with respect and authenticity.

In this session we will consider how we can create a culture of belonging for all our stakeholders – children, staff, parents and families, and the wider community. There will be input from our Education Team, along with practice sharing from schools that have put belonging at the heart of their communities.

Strategic leadership for school improvement

Summer term: Tuesday 17 June 2025, 15:45 – 17:15

‘Leaders set the weather’ is a phrase commonly used to describe the impact leaders have on the climate, atmosphere and culture of a school. Strategic leaders also set the direction, establishing a clear vision for school improvement based on a deep understanding of the school’s context, people and future goals. This requires an accurate appraisal of where you are now, as well as where you want to go. It’s like planning a journey, mapping alternative routes and deciding the best one to take. And of course, you need to get everyone on the bus with you – the right people, in the right seats!

In this online briefing we will help you to think and plan ahead for 2025-26. We will discuss approaches to strategic leadership and allow time for sharing priorities.

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Date and location

Leading pastoral care and development
Tuesday 19 November 2024, 15:45 – 17:15
Creating a culture of belonging
Thursday 16 January 2025, 15:45 – 17:15
Strategic leadership for school improvement
Tuesday 17 June 2025, 15:45 – 17:15

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