Quality Assuring Curriculum Provision

A workshop for senior leaders
The current Ofsted framework focuses heavily on the curriculum decisions made by subject leaders. Leaders at all levels need to be confident in articulating the rationale behind the choices that have been made and their judgements about the quality of provision.

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Start Date

Start date




SSAT members: £185
Non-members: £225
Prices exclusive of VAT


Need more information?
Get in touch or call 020 7802 0955

The current Ofsted framework focuses heavily on the curriculum decisions made by subject leaders. Leaders at all levels need to be confident in articulating the rationale behind the choices that have been made and their judgements about the quality of provision.

The event will cover the following areas:

  • Intent – balancing whole school consistency with departmental autonomy
  • Content – exploring decisions about content and specifications
  • Pedagogy – considering curriculum delivery and retention
  • Impact – evidencing that ambitions are being realised
  • Being ready, not preparing for, an Ofsted inspection
  • Opportunities to share ideas with other colleagues in the network

Learning outcomes

The event will provide practical advice and guidance for working with link departments and considering whole school curriculum strategy. It will ensure that you have a confident understanding of what Ofsted will be looking at and suggest ways to evidence the impact of your approach to curriculum. It will share strategies for working successfully with middle leaders, even where the subject matter is outside your area of expertise.

If you are interested in running this event for all of your leadership team and your middle leaders, contact us and we can schedule an event for your school. We can also tailor curriculum support around your specific needs – Just get in touch.

Featured speakers

Alex Galvin, Senior Education Lead, SSAT

Alex Galvin, SSAT

Alex joined SSAT in 2008 and is now a senior education lead. She runs SSAT’s Leading Edge network, our network for high performing schools, supporting schools to collaborate, innovate and share best practice. Alex also leads on curriculum for SSAT. Prior to joining SSAT, Alex taught for fifteen years in schools in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

Colin Logan, Senior Education Lead, SSAT

Colin Logan, SSAT

Colin has worked at five large comprehensive schools as a languages teacher, head of department and faculty, deputy head and finally headteacher. He is a recent Ofsted inspector and was a senior adviser in the National Strategies in the data and evaluation team. Colin joined SSAT in 2011 and is a senior education lead with responsibility for data, accountability and inspection.

Price information*
SSAT members
Per delegate
Price information*
SSAT members
Per delegate
Per delegate
*Prices exclusive of VAT

Date and location


Any questions?

Contact us or call 020 7802 0955.
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