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Framework for Exceptional Education
Fully revised for 2024
Are you looking for a fresh take on school improvement? As a member school, you can download a full copy of the SSAT Framework for Exceptional Education (FfEE) at no additional charge. The framework brings together the expertise of schools in the network and our education team, to articulate the journey from ‘beginning’ to ‘transforming’ practice.
Covering 12 key areas of practice, FfEE is designed to support self-review and action planning, setting an ambitious standard which goes beyond statutory frameworks. Use it as the focus for a leadership team strategy day or to support quality assurance work with staff at all levels.
The Framework has been fully updated for 2024, ensuring that it represents current best practice. Thanks to the following schools for their invaluable support in
revising the descriptors:
- Bishopshalt Schoo
- Bingley Grammar School
- Churchdown School Academy
- Kennet School
- Langley Grammar School
- Royal Latin School
- St John The Baptist School
- St Mark’s C of E Academy
- St Paul’s Catholic College
If you are a leading edge school and would like to speak to the team about how to apply for accreditation within the framework – please contact us at Leading.Edge@ssatuk.co.uk.
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