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Special and SEND


Climate for Learning
Culture of Reflection
Diversity and Inclusion
Effective Learning Behaviours
Engagement with Key Stakeholders
Engaging with Evidence and Research
Leadership Through Moral Purpose
Positive School Environment
Principled Assessment
Principled Curriculum Design
Professional Learning
Student Impact
Variety of Teaching Approaches



All of our publications

Labouring to Love Headship

This July 2024 report is a summary of the findings from a survey of 236 serving and former headteachers who, between them have almost 2,000 years of headship experience. The survey questions drew from 26 reports into headteacher retention published since 2017.

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SSAT Journal 25 – Summer 2024

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Beyond Manifestos – Future Schools

In response to Beyond Manifestos, written by educators, we felt that there was an obvious absence – pupil voice. So, we would now like to share with you some pupil perspectives regarding their own hopes for the future of education.

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Deep Support for Social Justice Vol. 2 – Tackling the Issues

In this pamphlet, SSAT’s Chief Executive Sue Williamson highlights the challenges that schools are facing today and suggests how these issues might be tackled.

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SSAT Culture Survey 2024 – Findings report

In Spring 2024 SSAT members participated in our first annual culture survey. Under the themes of Vision, Values and Moral Purpose, Leading People and Operational Management the 20-question survey is designed to get to the heart of how staff feel about their school and their role within it.

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SSAT Journal 24 – Spring 2024

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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SSAT Journal 23 – Winter 2023

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Beyond Manifestos

SSAT has always sought to champion the wisdom within the education system. This publication offers a range of informed opinions from headteachers, leading academics and other friends of SSAT on what the system needs next.

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SSAT Journal 22 – Summer 2023

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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SSAT Journal 21 – Spring 2023

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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SSAT Journal 20 – Winter 2022

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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SSAT Journal 19 – Summer 2022

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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SSAT Journal 18 – Spring 2022

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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SSAT Summer Series – Why Change is Needed Now

Recent challenges in education, reinforce the importance of addressing issues like curriculum design, equality, collaboration, and inclusion. This pamphlet captures ideas from the 2021 SSAT Summer Series, to inspire discussions about the need for change in education.

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Successful Primary School Leadership

This publication explores the key themes of self-reflection in leadership, principled values underpinning a vision shared, impactful partnerships, and the nature of high performing teams within a primary setting.

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Leading Change Issue 23 – Spring 2021

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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SSAT on SEND and Employability

This pamphlet emphasises learners' potential, employability, and support for SEND students in the workplace. Schools play a vital role in preparing students for fulfilling lives, focusing on personalised learning and aspirations for all.

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SSAT Journal 17 – Spring/Summer 2020

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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A guide to teacher assessment and ranking

This May 2020 guide is for school leaders to lead teacher assessment and ranking for GCSE, AS, and A levels. It's adaptable to each school's context and emphasises verifying information due to rapidly changing circumstances.

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Coronavirus: Lessons in leadership

At SSAT we've been struck by how school leaders and teams responded to unprecedented challenge and uncertainty. Here are insights shared of the fantastic work prioritising children's and staff's best interests amidst uncertainty.

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SSAT Journal 16 – Winter 2019

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Deep Leadership for Social Justice

This pamphlet highlights the role of school leaders in securing social justice and examines principled leadership. Practical case histories and insights from Professor Sir Tim Brighouse reinforce how leaders contribute to realising deep social justice.

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Deep Support for Social Justice

Every young person needs deep support to flourish, but some need more support than others. This pamphlet tackles key factors for social justice in schools: mental health, parental engagement, careers guidance, and mentoring.

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Leading Change Issue 22 – Autumn 2019

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Deep Experience for Social Justice – Activities

These activity templates complement the Deep Experience for Social Justice pamphlet. They help educators and partners reflect on how education's purpose impacts social justice in their schools or organisations.

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Deep Experience for Social Justice

Delve into the experiences that shape young adults and examine the education-based experiences that are most likely to lead to social justice. Questions and activities are included to help address these issues.

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Deep Learning for Social Justice – Case studies

Case studies from schools supplement Deep Learning for Social Justice pamphlet, showcasing efforts to attain social justice through Embedding Formative Assessment, teacher training, and resolving local issues.

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Deep Learning for Social Justice

This pamphlet highlights "deep learning for social justice" and emphasises individual needs, avoiding excessive assessments, and prioritising student success through numeracy, literacy, metacognition, self-determination, and formative assessment.

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SSAT Journal 15 – Summer 2019

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Fighting for Deep Social Justice

Schools support social justice by preparing all students for fulfilling lives, though they can't address all factors affecting achievement gaps. personalised learning is key to advancing this agenda. Reflective questions help guide thinking for new approaches.

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SSAT Journal 14 – Spring 2019

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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SSAT on Curriculum

This pamphlet aims to prompt discussion in schools about curriculum design. It introduces SSAT's Four Pillars of Curriculum Design and Dylan Wiliam's seven principles of a good curriculum.

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SSAT Journal 13 – Winter 2018

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Leading Change Issue 21 – Autumn 2018

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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2018 GCSE results and performance measures – a guide for school governors and trustees

This guide is for governors and trustees and explains the changes to 2018 GCSEs and how they affect students and schools. It covers timelines, pass criteria, analysis, target setting, and key questions.

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Surviving and succeeding in the first year of teaching

Teaching is a challenging profession that can leave new teachers feeling anxious. With the right approach, however, it can be managed and overcome. This guide provides helpful tips for success in the field.

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What the new GCSEs mean in 2018 – a guide for parents and carers

This guide explains the changes to GCSEs in 2018. Students receive number grades (9-1) instead of letter grades. The new GCSEs are not easily compared to the old system.

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SSAT Journal 12 – Summer 2018

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Leading Change Issue 20 – Summer 2018

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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How do strong schools stay strong?

Uncover the secrets of strong schools and how they maintain success. Learn key principles that guide school leaders in supporting students. Explore strategies used by successful schools to unlock every student's potential.

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SSAT Journal 11 – Spring 2018

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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SSAT on the School-led System

Education in England is still in a transitional phase of moving to a school-led system. In this pamphlet by SSAT's chief executive Sue Williamson explores three options for the middle tier.

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National Conference 2017 report – Illuminating Learning

This report offers insights from SSAT National conference speakers and student journalists, emphasising holistic student support, illuminating learning beyond grades, and the impactful role of teachers in students' lives.

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Leading Change Issue 19 – Spring 2018

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Exploring Smarter Spaces

This project, run by Dulux Smarter Spaces and SSAT, aimed to explore the potential of ‘smarter spaces’ for promoting positive engagement of students and teachers and improving the quality of teaching and learning.

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SSAT Journal 10 – Winter 2017

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Leading Change Issue 18 – Autumn 2017

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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SSAT on Future Learning

Technology has revolutionised learning, making access to vast information easier than ever. This pamphlet explores how schools should adapt to this shift, focusing on skills and qualities essential for future success,.

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SSAT Journal 09 – Summer 2017

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Schools at the Heart of Educational Reform

SSAT's publication showcases discussions and debates that SSAT hosted over three years, relating to educational reform and examining policy's impact on schools. It features expert-led roundtables, debates, and commentary.

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SSAT – A celebration of 30 years 1987 – 2017

This publication celebrates SSAT's 30th anniversary and the teachers and school leaders who have taught and nurtured their young people, playing an extraordinary role in improving the standards of their future.

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Leading Change Issue 17 – Summer 2017

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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SSAT Journal 08 – Spring 2017

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Leading Change Issue 16 – Spring 2017

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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SSAT on Leading

This pamphlet addresses leadership in the school-led system, exploring the role of multi-academy trusts (MATs) and the key features required for effective leadership.

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SSAT Journal 07 – Autumn 2016

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Leading Change Issue 15 – Autumn 2016

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Triumph in Adversity? How Financial Constraints are Driving Schools to do Things Differently

Schools must make tough choices during financial challenges and pressure to improve outcomes. Practical advice and creative solutions can help maximise income and cut costs. Innovative approaches are crucial in uncertain funding situations.

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SSAT Journal 06 – Summer 2016

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Leading Change Issue 14 – Spring 2016

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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SSAT Journal 05 – Spring 2016

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Leading Change Issue 13 – Winter 2016

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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SSAT Journal 04 – Autumn 2015

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Leading Change Issue 12 – Autumn 2015

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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SSAT Journal 03 – Summer 2015

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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The new professionalism: Fostering collaboration, always learning

Bay House School's case study showcases their professional learning philosophy: keep teaching and learning (the core business) at centre stage and pursue the following steps: Research > Innovate with practical ideas > Share back (and repeat).

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Courageous leadership for professional accountability: Assessing quality of teaching without grading lessons

This case study from Uplands Community College highlights the development of an approach to observing lessons that does not involve grading and seeks to build a culture of collaborative professional learning.

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Courageous leadership for professional accountability: Peer to peer challenge and support

This case study details the Manchester Challenge to Support Partnership, a collaborative initiative of four Manchester primary schools, focusing on mutual support, leadership, and improved educational outcomes.

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Courageous leadership for professional accountability: Distributive leadership of teaching and learning

Canons High School's case study exemplifies an innovative, staff-led pedagogical transformation, emphasising professional learning, accountability, and principled curriculum design, leading to improved teaching quality and student outcomes.

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Courageous leadership for professional accountability: Lesson observation with grades

Bridgwater College Academy's case study showcases its innovative shift from grading lessons to empowering teachers through self-assessment, collaboration, and development, leading to enhanced teaching quality and student outcomes.

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Courageous leadership for professional accountability: Developing an innovative culture of learning

Faced with a judgement of ‘requires improvement’ Acklam Grange School made significant changes to develop consistent approaches to teaching alongside collaborative and innovative approaches to professional learning.

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Principled assessment design: Life beyond levels at KS3

This case study explores Shenley Brook End School’s innovative shift to an ASK-based assessment system, focusing on attitudes, skills, and knowledge, thereby transforming their educational approach and learning climate.

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Principled assessment design: Feedback to inform learning – Kingsford Community School

Explore how Kingsford Community School revolutionised marking and feedback, engaging students with dialogic methods and practical tools, enhancing learning outcomes.

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Principled assessment design: Assessment without levels – Grazebrook Primary School

Grazebrook Primary's approach to assessment without levels reflects the importance of depth of understanding within a framework to measure progress based on expected levels of achievement in each school year.

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Principled assessment design: Assessment in maths to inform planning

This case study explores Eggar's School's development of the use of fine-detailed assessment and feedback to drive standards of teaching and learning and lead to better outcomes.

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Principled assessment design: Assessment without levels – Durrington High School

Durrington High School's case study presents an innovative KS3 assessment model, focusing on knowledge and skill mastery. It emphasises formative feedback and high standards to inspire student excellence.

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Principled assessment design: Feedback to inform learning – Bethnal Green Academy

This case study explores Bethnal Green Academy's use of ‘book looks’ to ensure a consistent, whole-school approach to marking and feedback that impacts on the learning and progress of all students.

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Principled curriculum design: Coherence and relevance through ‘Dynamics Days’

St Mary's Catholic Academy in Blackpool innovates with 'Dynamic Days,' integrating holistic, project-based learning into its curriculum, enhancing student engagement and wellbeing through diverse, ethos-driven educational experiences.

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Principled curriculum design: Defining the butterfly, a mastery approach for subject discipline

This case study highlights Huntington School's new approach to curriculum design that places deep learning in the central concepts, ideas, key knowledge and skills of the curriculum as an important driver for pedagogy and assessment.

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SSAT Journal 02 – Spring 2015

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Principled curriculum design: A futures-oriented personalised curriculum

This case study explores Essa Academy's principled approaches to curriculum design and delivery that genuinely meet the needs of the students and community the school serves.

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Principled curriculum design: Constructing the personalised curriculum at KS4

Discover Canons High School's journey in reshaping KS4 education through a personalised curriculum, blending academic rigour with enrichment, and impacting student wellbeing and academic success.

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Principled curriculum design: Using SOLO as a framework for developing and assessing KS3 learning

This case study from Canons High School illustrates an innovative approach in KS3 education using SOLO Taxonomy, prioritising mastery and in-depth learning over traditional content-focused methods.

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Principled curriculum design: Content and language integrated learning for subject discipline, breadth and rigour

Bohunt School's case study explores its pioneering CLIL approach, enhancing language proficiency and academic skills, resulting in notable student performance and development in secondary education.

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Redesigning Schooling – A Vision for education – beyond five-year policy cycles

This ambitious pamphlet envisions a new paradigm for education, promoting high equity, high quality, and learner agency. It follows 25 years in a teacher's life, inspiring others to share their visions for 2040.

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Teaching for learning: Students as leaders; peer tutoring to enhance learning and progress

This case study from The Weald School explores the school's extensive use of peer tutoring which has had a significant impact in enhancing learning and intervention to ensure progress.

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Teaching for learning: Ambitious use of space and time to enhance learning

Although a new build school with bespoke facilities, UCL Academy has utilised the key findings of learning research to inform the design and pedagogy within the spaces, the principles of which could be considered in more traditional settings.

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Teaching for learning: Use of time and space to enhance learning

The Sirius Academy case study exemplifies transformative educational strategies in Hull, East Yorkshire, focusing on extended lessons and dynamic spaces to significantly improve learning, inclusivity, and student-teacher relationships.

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Teaching for learning: Students as leaders and co-constructors

Discover Ormiston Venture Academy's innovative student leadership model in our case study. It explores transformative practices in student engagement and the positive impact on the school's environment and culture.

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Teaching for learning: The use of SOLE to develop digital literacy and enquiry skills

Greenfield Community College's case study delves into the transformative SOLE approach in education, fostering student-led enquiry, digital literacy, and a collaborative learning environment for enhanced educational outcomes.

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Teaching for learning: Students, leaders and entrepreneurs

Devonport High School for Boys integrates entrepreneurship into its curriculum, fostering real-world skills and enhancing student prospects in a rapidly changing professional landscape.

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Establishing a new school and getting it right from the start

A comprehensive guide for opening a successful new school, offering valuable insights on developing a business plan, recruiting staff and students, and creating a balanced curriculum. Essential tool for educators and policy advisers.

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Leading Change Issue 11 – Winter 2015

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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SSAT Journal 01 – Winter 2014/15

The SSAT Journal celebrates and shares the outstanding practice, strategies and innovations in our schools, for the benefit of all the schools in our member networks.

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Mind the Gap

School reforms increase pressure on students and teachers. To succeed globally, we need to support young people in their journey towards thriving in adulthood and the workplace. Essays explore well-being, mindfulness, character, and preparation for adult life.

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6. The Academy of Central Bedfordshire: Free-school partnership sets out to improve the outcomes for vulnerable students

Headteachers from 10 upper schools in Central Bedfordshire, along with middle school heads, collaborated with the local authority to offer a visionary approach supporting students previously attending the pupil referral unit.

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Redesigning Schooling – 10: What the new professionalism means for England

Sue Williamson's pamphlet advocates for uniting and uplifting the teaching profession. emphasising the need for a new professionalism, fostering strong human capital, and attracting the best educators for the future.

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Redesigning Schooling – 9: Collaboration and networking

Collaboration and networking are crucial to the Redesigning Schooling agenda, enabling schools to overcome challenges and bring about positive change together. Practical implications and benefits need clearer understanding.

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Leading Change Issue 10 – Autumn 2014

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Redesigning Schooling – 8: Principled assessment design

Schools face the challenge of transitioning from the current levels of achievement to the new national curriculum. It's an opportunity to design a tailored assessment system that suits each school.

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Redesigning Schooling – 7: Professional accountability

Dr. Peter Matthews argues that accountability is principally an intrinsic part of professionalism in a self-improving school system, although proportionate external accountability measures are unavoidable in highly autonomous, publicly funded schools.

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5. The Ascent multi-academy trust: Special schools combine to offer an ambitious range of services

The case study explores the journey of four secondary special schools in Tyne and Wear forming the Ascent MAT to maintain autonomy, uphold professional standards, and advance special education in the region.

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Leading Change Issue 9 – Spring 2014

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Leading Change Issue 8 – Winter 2014

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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4. The Baverstock Academy: Where teaching and learning applies to everyone, all the time

This Baverstock Academy case study shows how teachers working collaboratively and reflectively can better fulfil their aspirations as professionals, as well as improve student outcomes.

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3. Hadley Learning Community: Learning community means more than school

At Hadley Learning Community community engagement is an essential ingredient in children’s education and responsibility is shared widely among staff, pupils and the community.

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2. Hasmonean High School: Building a culture of independent learning and critical thinking

This case study explores Hasmonean High School's innovative approach to education, highlighting its emphasis on moral leadership, stakeholder engagement, inclusive practices, and the cultivation of effective learning behaviours in a diverse student body.

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1. Ossett Academy: Where collaboration between equals can make the difference

Explore the innovative educational strategies at Ossett Academy, where equal collaboration, stakeholder engagement, and a nurturing learning climate promote diversity and inclusion for impactful student development.

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Redesigning Schooling – 6: Engaging parents: why and how

Parental engagement matters for educational performance. Some parents entrust their child to teachers, while others seek a partnership to support their child's learning journey.

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Redesigning Schooling – 5: Student impact in the redesigned school

Student impact is vital in SSAT's Redesigning Schooling campaign. Engaging all stakeholders, especially students, leads to meaningful student voice and leadership. This pamphlet explores formal ways to involve students in their learning experiences and school management.

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Redesigning Schooling – 4: Working with stakeholders

In 'Working with Stakeholders', Peter Chambers explores how employers, sponsors, FE/HE institutions, and the community shape education for the 21st century, emphasising holistic development.

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Redesigning Schooling – 3: Principled curriculum design

Dylan Wiliam highlights the rapid changes in education, offering seven principles for effective, collaborative curriculum design in schools, based on collective expertise.

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Leading Change Issue 7 – Autumn 2013

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Redesigning Schooling – 2: What kind of teaching for what kind of learning?

Professors Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas address essential questions about desired learning outcomes, teaching methods, and leadership. Their work calls for urgent education system redesign.

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Redesigning Schooling – 1: Why change is needed

Sue Williamson urges education professionals to collaborate in redesigning the education system for world-class excellence. SSAT, with school leaders, works on this ambitious mission, seeking input from all stakeholders.

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Innovation by schools, for schools – Some outcomes and their value

SSAT's Innovation Fellows project in 2009-10 saw educators researching and innovating in pedagogy with web 2.0 technologies and project-based learning. This report details their work and outcomes.

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Leading Change Issue 6 – Summer 2013

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Leading Change Issue 5 – December 2012

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Leading Change Issue 4 – September 2012

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Leading Change Issue 3 – April 2012

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Leading Change Issue 2 – December 2011

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Leading Change Issue 1 – September 2011

The Leading Change journal, released exclusively for the SSAT Leading Edge Network, features case studies from innovation grant winners and best practice from across the network.

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Learning with students

Discover the power of student voice to be the gateway which has the greatest potential to personalise learning. Read empowering stories and practical tips from school leaders and teachers.

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Leading system redesign – 4: Innovation networks in action

This guide from SSAT shares how to innovate education effectively. It offers clear guidance on conducting innovation and creating networks of schools. Learn to use the D&R model for success and transform your organisation.

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Leading system redesign – 3: The students

Learn about co-construction in education, involving students in redesigning the learning process. Benefit from success stories and practical examples to enhance engagement and strengthen teacher training.

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Leading system redesign – 2: The changing profession

This publication focuses on five reconfigurations of leadership. Case studies demonstrate how headteachers are reshaping their schools for the 21st century and leveraging wider collaboration opportunities.

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The Deeps in Action

The four 'deeps' were introduced in 2006 to help school leaders understand the moral purpose of education. They were intended as a conceptual tool but have been used practically for positive change.

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Leading system redesign – 1

This pamphlet discusses how web 2.0, or the 'Wikipedia world', can transform education system redesign. It covers the necessary means, leadership, and governance to make it happen.

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Deep learning – 2: Why should they learn?

This pamphlet offers insight into the goals of schooling and how education should change. It discusses social entrepreneurship, creativity, and the importance of moral purpose in education.

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System Redesign – 4: Personalising relationships

This pamphlet explores how schools are redesigning their systems to provide deep support for students by integrating various reconfigurations and fostering a sense of community.

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System Redesign – 3: Curriculum redesign

"Curriculum Redesign" presents a series of enlightening case studies that explore innovative approaches to education, focusing on creating engaging, personalised learning experiences for diverse student populations.

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System Redesign – 2: Assessment redesign

This publication examines the current assessment regime for schools in England and explores how teachers can move beyond the 'standards agenda' to better models of assessment as a crucial aspect of system redesign.

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Deep leadership – 2: A culture of personalisation

See how successful schools have created a unique culture that supports personalised learning through co-construction, innovation, and distributed leadership. Discover how personalisation and school culture work together to create a dynamic learning environment.

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System Redesign – 1: The road to transformation in education

System Redesign for personalised Learning proposes school-led transformation as a way to revolutionise education. Professor Hargreaves argues for greater autonomy for teachers and a more responsive education system.

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Deep experience – 2: Rethinking key stage 3

Kai Vacher explores how the concept of deep experience can be applied to rethinking the key stage 3 curriculum and its management in schools.

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Deep leadership – 1: A new shape for schooling?

"Deep Leadership - 1" by David Hargreaves is a practical guide for educators seeking to embed deep learning, deep support, and deep experience in their schools through a culture of co-construction.

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Deep experience – 1: A new shape for schooling?

"Deep Experience in Education" by David H. Hargreaves offers innovative strategies for engaging students in learning, focusing on creative curriculum design, stakeholder engagement, and the use of new technologies.

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Deep support – 1: A new shape for schooling?

This pamphlet emphasises the importance of deep support in personalising learning and outlines the conditions for it. Case studies showcase schools progressing towards deep support.

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Deep learning – 1: A new shape for schooling?

This pamphlet explains the connections between deep learning gateways and the conditions for deep learning, offering school leaders pertinent questions to achieve it.

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A new shape for schooling?

The first pamphlet in this series introduces deep learning, experience, support, and leadership to reshape schooling for the 21st century and invites schools to participate in this transformation.

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The final gateway: school design and organisation

The final pamphlet in this series explores school design and organisation as the gateway to personalised learning, integrating the other eight gateways. It showcases the transformative work of headteachers and schools.

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Mentoring & coaching and workforce development

This pamphlet explores mentoring & coaching and workforce development as gateways to personalised learning. It shares insights from 2005 conferences hosted by the Specialist Schools Trust.

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Curriculum and advice & guidance

This pamphlet explores the curriculum and advice & guidance gateways, aiding teachers and students on the path to personalised learning. It shares insights from conferences and expert presenters.

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Learning to learn and the new technologies

"Learning to Learn & the New Technologies" is a pivotal guide for educators, exploring innovative approaches to personalising education and harnessing new technologies to cultivate independent, lifelong learners in the 21st century.

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Student voice and assessment for learning

The second publication in the "Personalising learning" series, emphasises student voice and assessment for learning, placing students at the centre of change and enabling the student to be active in learning.

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Next steps in working laterally

"Next Steps in Working Laterally" champions a transformative approach to education, advocating personalised learning through nine key gateways, tailored to meet the diverse needs of each student for a future-ready education.

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