Is behaviour really good in your school?

Why is it that research carried out by SSAT reveals that only 1.6% of all schools and pre-16 educational provisions receive an inspection 5 Ofsted judgement comment that states “Pupil behaviour and conduct is problematic” when the DfE national behaviour survey stated that 73% teachers said “Pupil misbehaviour had had a negative impact on their health and wellbeing in the past week,” and “76% teachers and pupils reported that misbehaviour had interrupted their work in at least some lessons in the previous week.”

Why we need to rethink our practice around behaviour to better meet the needs of today’s young people

“We would like you to act up until we can recruit a permanent headteacher.” My CEO sat in the still warm seat of the previous headteacher and looked at me across the desk. I agreed, reluctantly, as I knew the enormity of the task ahead, but also knew as I spoke that my two conditions, finding a permanent solution, and giving me more financial support, were unlikely to both be met.

Going for headship? Five things you should prioritise

“What do you even know about leadership? You’re a woman, and someone who has only been here for a short time!” This was a question, levied at me by a parent who sat in my reception area verbally abusing the receptionist and conducting a ‘sit in’ until he spoke to the headteacher.

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