What’s beyond ‘outstanding’?
An insight into the development of character, non-cognitive skills, mindfulness and well-being from at President Kennedy School, Coventry.
An insight into the development of character, non-cognitive skills, mindfulness and well-being from at President Kennedy School, Coventry.
SSAT’s Director of Education, Anne-Marie Duguid, argues the case for quality and equity for teachers – the theme of the SSAT National Conference 2015.
In the wake of Nick Gibb’s attack on the state of the education system, SSAT Chief Executive Sue Williamson explains why we’re staying cool.
SSAT’s Research Consultant Tom Welch considers the core human values at stake during the current Syrian refugee crisis.
Bill Watkin on the most significant changes to the education system in 2015-16.
Time to Change provide free resources for schools who are under prepared to deal with the mental health challenges facing young people. Get involved.
An insight into Bridgwater College Academy’s system of lesson observation in which the teacher being observed sets the criteria for the observation.
In my conversations with heads no-one ever argues with the principle of collaborating with other schools. What could make better sense than learning from other people’s successes, sharing problems and drawing on outside perspectives to measure and challenge your own
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Tom Middlehurst, Head of Public Affairs, SSAT writes… Much of today’s commentary and twitter-response to Policy Exchange’s report Crossing the Line has focused on the rights or wrongs of raising a ‘resit levy’ on secondary schools whose students fail to
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Dan Belcher, Head of Secondary, outlines five key things for school leaders to keep hold of in the face of increasing pressure from all angles.