
Beyond Manifestos – new pamphlet from SSAT

With a general election on the horizon, the major political parties are starting to set out their vision for the future of education. SSAT has a proud history of championing the voices of school leaders and working collaboratively with academics and thought leaders to produce fresh thinking.

EFA improving student learning at Boston High School

Boston High School in Lincolnshire has enjoyed a successful first year undertaking the Embedding Formative Assessment EFA programme, at the end of which staff were asked to both review the impact individually, in their Teacher Learning Communities (TLC), and in their subject in departmental groups.

Welfare packages: Supporting our vulnerable families

This document is a reflective blog of how I am trying to create a supportive and empathetic community at Farlingaye High School. This is because when students leave our community, they will take these qualities with them and help others.

Broadening Horizons

Recently our CEO Sue Williamson met with Nick Chambers at Education and Employers, and learnt about their new three-minute video which shows children having fun, learning and being inspired. It’s what education is all about.

Global Equality Collective

The Global Equality Collective (GEC) is the world’s biggest grassroots collective of inclusion and well-being experts and creator of the multi-award winning, ‘GEC Platform’, the first hyper-diversity framework and platform for education.

The Afro Caribbean Society at Bexley Grammar School

Bexley Grammar School’s Afro Caribbean Society (ACS) was started in 2018 by a group of year 12 girls who suggested setting up the ACS as a student-led society. In its initial form they ran meetings one lunchtime a week and took turns bringing different home-made food along to a discussion group.

SSAT secures DfE and Education Endowment Foundation funding to raise student achievement with significantly subsidised places on the Embedding Formative Assessment (EFA) programme

The Schools, Students and Teachers Network (SSAT) is proud to announce that it has successfully secured a third year of funding from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) through the Department for Education’s (DfE) Accelerator Fund. Significantly subsidised places are available for 150 state funded schools with a secondary phase in England.

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